All functions |
Adjustment of the sample size in case it is externally given |
Builds the "strata" dataframe containing information on target variables Y's distributions in the different strata, starting from a frame |
Builds the "strata" dataframe containing information on target variables Y's distributions in the different strata, starting from a frame where units are spatially correlated. |
Function to assign the optimized strata labels |
Multivariate optimal allocation |
Builds the "sampling frame" dataframe from a dataset containing information on all the units in the population of reference |
Builds the "sampling frame" dataframe from a dataset containing information all the units in the population of reference including spatial |
Builds the "strata" dataframe containing information on target variables Y's distributions in the different strata, starting from sample data or from a frame |
Builds the "strata" dataframe containing information on target variables Y's distributions in the different strata, starting from sample data or from a frame |
Checks the inputs to the package: dataframes "errors", "strata" and "sampling frame" |
Function that allows to calculate a heteroscedasticity index, together with associate prediction variance, to be used by the optimization step to correctly evaluate the standard deviation in the strata due to prediction errors. |
Precision constraints (maximum CVs) as input for Bethel allocation |
Evaluation of the solution produced by the function 'optimizeStrata' by selecting a number of samples from the frame with the optimal stratification, and calculating average CV's on the target variables Y's. |
Expected coefficients of variation of target variables Y |
Initial solution obtained by applying kmeans clustering of atomic strata |
Initial solution obtained by applying kmeans clustering of frame units |
Initial solution obtained by applying kmeans clustering of frame units |
Dataset 'nations' |
Best stratification of a sampling frame for multipurpose surveys |
Best stratification of a sampling frame for multipurpose surveys (only with continuous stratification variables) |
Best stratification of a sampling frame for multipurpose surveys considering also spatial correlation |
Optimization of the stratification of a sampling frame given a sample survey |
Plotting sampling rates in the different strata for each domain in the solution. |
Plot bivariate distibutions in strata |
Procedure to apply Bethel algorithm and select a sample from given strata |
Selection of a stratified sample from the frame with srswor method |
Selection of geo-referenced points from the frame |
Selection of a stratified sample from the frame with systematic method |
Dataframe containing information on strata in the frame |
Information on strata structure |
Precision constraints (maximum CVs) as input for Bethel allocation |
Dataframe containing information on all units in the population of reference that can be considered as the final sampling unit (this example is related to Swiss municipalities) |
The Swiss municipalities population |
Dataframe containing information on strata in the swiss municipalities frame |
Execution and compared evaluation of optimization runs |
Updates the initial frame on the basis of the optimized stratification |
Assigns new labels to atomic strata on the basis of the optimized aggregated strata |
Allows to transform a continuous variable into a categorical ordinal one by applying a modified version of the k-means clustering function in the 'stats' package. |