Dataframe containing information on all municipalities in Swiss (it is a derivation of dataframe "swissmunicipalities" in "sampling" package)
The "swissframe" dataframe contains a row per each Swiss municipality with the following variables:
Progressive associated to the frame unit (numeric)
Name of the frame unit (character)
Classes of total population in the municipality (factor with 18 values)
Classes of wood area in the municipality (factor with 3 values)
Classes of area under cultivation in the municipality (factor with 3 values)
Classes of mountain pasture area in the municipality (factor with 3 values)
Classes of area with buildings in the municipality (factor with 3 values)
Classes of industrial area in the municipality (factor with 3 values)
Number of men and women aged between 0 and 19 (numeric)
Number of men and women aged between 20 and 39 (numeric)
Number of men and women aged between 40 and 64 (numeric)
Number of men and women aged between 65 and over (numeric)
Value of domain to which the municipality belongs (factor or numeric)
#data(swissframe) #head(strata)