Dataframe containing information on strata in the frame
The strata data frame (strata) contains a row per stratum with the following variables:
Identifier of the stratum (numeric)
Number of population units in the stratum (numeric)
Value of first auxiliary variable X1 in the stratum (factor)
Value of i-th auxiliary variable Xi in the stratum (factor)
Value of last auxiliary variable Xk in the stratum (factor)
Mean in the stratum of the first variable Y1 (numeric)
Mean in the stratum of the j-th variable Yt (numeric)
Mean in the stratum of the last variable Y (numeric)
Standard deviation in the stratum of the first variable Y (numeric)
Standard deviation in the stratum of the j-th variable Yt (numeric)
Standard deviation in the stratum of the last variable Y (numeric)
Flag (1 indicates a take all straum, 0 a sampling stratum) (numeric) Default = 0
Cost per interview in each stratum. Default = 1 (numeric)
Value of domain to which the stratum belongs (factor or numeric)
Note: the names of the variables must be the ones indicated above
# data(strata) # head(strata)