Once optimal stratification has been obtained, and a new frame has been built by assigning to the units of the old one the new strata labels, it is possible to select a stratified sample from the frame. If geographical coordinates are available in the frame, in order to obtain spatially distributed selected points this function makes use of the 'lpm2_kdtree' function from the' SamplingBigData' package (Lisic-Grafstrom).
selectSampleSpatial(frame, outstrata, coord_names)
frame | This is the (mandatory) dataframe containing the sampling frame, as it has been modified by the execution of the "updateFrame" function. |
outstrata | This is the (mandatory) dataframe containing the information related to resulting stratification obtained by the execution of "optimStrata" function. It should coincide with 'solution$aggr_strata'. |
coord_names | Indicates with which names the coordinates are indicated in the frame. |
A dataframe containing the selected sample
Giulio Barcaroli
if (FALSE) { ############################# # Example of "spatial" method ############################# library(sp) # locations (155 observed points) data("meuse") # grid of points (3103) data("meuse.grid") meuse.grid$id <- c(1:nrow(meuse.grid)) coordinates(meuse)<-c("x","y") coordinates(meuse.grid)<-c("x","y") ## Kriging model library(automap) kriging_lead = autoKrige(log(lead) ~ dist, meuse, meuse.grid) plot(kriging_lead,sp.layout = NULL, justPosition = TRUE) kriging_zinc = autoKrige(log(zinc) ~ dist, meuse, meuse.grid) plot(kriging_zinc, sp.layout = list(pts = list("sp.points", meuse))) r2_lead <- 1 - kriging_lead$sserr/sum((meuse$lead-mean(meuse$lead))^2) r2_lead r2_zinc <- 1 - kriging_zinc$sserr/sum((meuse$zinc-mean(meuse$zinc))^2) r2_zinc df <- NULL df$id <- meuse.grid$id df$lead.pred <- kriging_lead$krige_output@data$var1.pred df$lead.var <- kriging_lead$krige_output@data$var1.var df$zinc.pred <- kriging_zinc$krige_output@data$var1.pred df$zinc.var <- kriging_zinc$krige_output@data$var1.var df$lon <- meuse.grid$x df$lat <- meuse.grid$y df$dom1 <- 1 df <- head(df) ## Optimization library(SamplingStrata) frame <- buildFrameSpatial(df=df, id="id", X=c("lead.pred","zinc.pred"), Y=c("lead.pred","zinc.pred"), variance=c("lead.var","zinc.var"), lon="lon", lat="lat", domainvalue = "dom1") cv <-"DOM1",1), CV1=rep(0.01,1), CV2=rep(0.01,1), domainvalue=c(1:1) )) set.seed(1234) solution <- optimStrata ( method = "spatial", errors=cv, framesamp=frame, iter = 15, pops = 10, nStrata = 5, fitting = c(r2_lead,r2_zinc), range = c(kriging_lead$var_model$range[2],kriging_zinc$var_model$range[2]), kappa=1, writeFiles = FALSE, showPlot = TRUE, parallel = FALSE) framenew <- solution$framenew outstrata <- solution$aggr_strata # Sample selection samp <- selectSampleSpatial(framenew,outstrata,coord_names=c("LON","LAT")) table(samp$STRATO) # Plot library(sf) samp_sf <- st_as_sf(samp, coords = c("LON", "LAT")) plot(samp_sf["STRATO"]) }