Once optimal stratification has been obtained ('outstrata'), then we need to attribute new strata labels to each atomic stratum. By executing this function, a new dataframe "newstrata" will be obtained with the same structure of the old, ("strata") but with the addition of a new stratum label. By indicating "YES" to "writeFile" parameter, the dataframe "newstrata" will be written to a delimited file ("newstrata.txt"). Also a second delimited file ("strata_aggregation.txt") will be outputted, containing the indication of the relations bewteen atomic and aggregated strata.
updateStrata(strata, solution, writeFiles = FALSE, outputFolder = file.path(getwd(),"output"))
strata | This is the (mandatory) dataframe containing the information related to the atomic strata to which the optimisation has been applied to. |
solution | List obtained by the execution of the "optimizeStrata" function. The first element of the list is the vector of the indices corresponding to the optimal solution. |
writeFiles | Indicates if at the end of the processing the resulting strata will be outputted in a delimited file. Default is "FALSE". |
outputFolder | A path to a directory ot be used for the outputs. Default is "output" |
A dataframe containing the strata
Giulio Barcaroli
if (FALSE) { library(SamplingStrata) data(swisserrors) data(swissstrata) # optimisation of sampling strata solution <- optimizeStrata ( errors = swisserrors, strata = swissstrata, ) # updating sampling strata with new strata labels newstrata <- updateStrata(swissstrata, solution, writeFiles = TRUE) }