This function allows to build the information regarding the sampling frame of the population of reference. Mandatory variables are: (i) the name of the dataset containing the sampling frame of the population of reference (ii) an identifier (Id) (iii) a set of auxiliary variables 'X' (iv) a set of target variables 'Y' (v) a set of prediction errors variables 'variance' (vi) longitude (vii) latitude (viii) the indicator of the domain to which the unit belongs
buildFrameSpatial(df, id, X, Y, variance, lon, lat, domainvalue)
df | This is the name of the dataframe containing the information on all the units in population of reference. |
id | This is the name of the identifier in the sampling frame. |
X | A character vector containing the names of the auxiliary variables in the frame dataset |
Y | A character vector containing the names of the target variables in the frame dataset |
variance | A character vector containing the names of the prediction error variables in the frame dataset |
lon | Longitude of the unit |
lat | Latitude of the unit |
domainvalue | The name of the variable in the frame dataset that contains the indication of the domains to which the units belong. |
A dataframe
Giulio Barcaroli
if (FALSE) { library(sp) library(gstat) library(automap) library(SamplingStrata) data("meuse") data("meuse.grid") meuse.grid$id <- c(1:nrow(meuse.grid)) coordinates(meuse)<-c("x","y") coordinates(meuse.grid)<-c("x","y") ################# # kriging ################# v <- variogram(lead ~ dist + soil, data=meuse) fit.vgm <- autofitVariogram(lead ~ elev + soil, meuse, model = "Exp") plot(v, fit.vgm$var_model) fit.vgm$var_model g <- NULL g <- gstat(g, "Pb", lead ~ dist + soil, meuse) g vm <- variogram(g) <- fit.lmc(vm, g, vgm(psill=fit.vgm$var_model$psill[2], model="Exp", range=fit.vgm$var_model$range[2], nugget=fit.vgm$var_model$psill[1])) # Prediction on the whole grid preds <- predict(, meuse.grid) names(preds) # [1] "Pb.pred" "Pb.var" preds$Pb.pred <- ifelse(preds$Pb.pred < 0,0,preds$Pb.pred) df <- NULL df$id <- meuse.grid$id df$Pb.pred <- preds@data$Pb.pred df$Pb.var <- preds@data$Pb.var df$lon <- meuse.grid$x df$lat <- meuse.grid$y df$dom1 <- 1 df <- frame <- buildFrameSpatial(df=df, id="id", X=c("Pb.pred"), Y=c("Pb.pred"), variance=c("Pb.var"), lon="lon", lat="lat", domainvalue = "dom1") head(frame) }