This function allows to build the information regarding the sampling frame of the population of reference. Mandatory variables are: (i) the name of the dataset containing the sampling frame of the population of reference (ii) an identifier (Id) (iii) a set of auxiliary variables X (iv) a set of target variables Y (v) the indicator of the domain to which the unit belongs A further optional parameter is the the name of the variable containing weights (in case instead of a frame we use a sampling survey)
buildFrameDF(df, id, X, Y, domainvalue)
This is the name of the dataframe containing the information on all the units in population of reference.
This is the name of the identifier in the sampling frame.
A character vector containing the names of the auxiliary variables in the frame dataset
A character vector containing the names of the target variables in the frame dataset
The name of the variable in the frame dataset that contains the indication of the domains to which the units belong.
The name of the variable in the frame dataset that contains the weights (in case we do not use a proper frame, but a sampling survey.
A dataframe