This vignette describes a generalized procedure making use of the methods implemented in the R package developed in the Italian National Institute, namely R2BEAT (“Multistage Sampling Allocation and PSU selection”).

This package allows to determine the optimal allocation of both Primary Stage Units (PSUs) and Secondary Stage Units (SSU), and also to perform a selection of the PSUs such that the final sample of SSU is of the self-weighting type, i.e. the total inclusion probabilities (as resulting from the product between the inclusion probabilities of the PSUs and those of the SSUs) are near equal for all SSUs, or at least those of minimum variability.

This general flow assumes that at least a previous round of the survey, whose sampling design has to be optimized, is available, and is characterized by the following steps:

Use of ReGenesees

Perform externally the definition of the sample design, and possibly of the calibration step, using the R package ReGenesees, and make the design object and the calibrated object available.

The workspace to be loaded (R2BEAT_ReGenesees.RData) is available at the link:

load("R2BEAT_ReGenesees.RData")   # ReGenesees design object

This is the ‘design’ object:

## Stratified 2 - Stage Cluster Sampling Design (with replacement)
## - [49] strata (collapsed)
## - [789, 2236] clusters
## Call:
## e.svydesign(sample_2st, ids = ~municipality + id_hh, strata = ~stratum_sub, 
##     weights = ~d, self.rep.str = ~SR, = TRUE)

and this is the calibrated object:

## Calibrated, Stratified 2 - Stage Cluster Sampling Design (with replacement)
## - [49] strata (collapsed)
## - [789, 2236] clusters
## Call:
## e.calibrate(design = des, df.population = pop, calmodel = ~clage:sex - 
##     1, partition = ~region, calfun = "logit", bounds = c(0.7, 
##     1.7), aggregate.stage = 2, force = FALSE)

It is advisable to check the presence of lonely strata:

# Control the presence of strata with less than two units
ls <- find.lon.strata(des)
## # No lonely PSUs found!

In case, provide to collapse and re-do the calibration.

In this example, in the ReGenesees objects there are the following variables:

## 'data.frame':    2244 obs. of  17 variables:
##  $ region               : Factor w/ 3 levels "north","center",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ municipality         : num  8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...
##  $ stratum              : Factor w/ 24 levels "1000","2000",..: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ...
##  $ stratum_sub          : Factor w/ 81 levels "100001","100002",..: 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 ...
##  $ SR                   : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ id_hh                : Factor w/ 2236 levels "H100070","H100410",..: 69 43 64 49 367 27 372 373 374 368 ...
##  $ sex                  : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ clage                : Factor w/ 5 levels "cl0_17","cl18_34",..: 3 1 2 1 5 2 2 2 3 1 ...
##  $ income_hh            : num  43741 23284 23450 22171 19904 ...
##  $ work                 : num  1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 ...
##  $ unemployed           : num  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ d                    : num  1238 1238 1238 1238 1238 ...
##  $ progr_str            : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ var.PSU              : chr  "8.H12425" "8.H10738" "8.H12157" "8.H11208" ...
##  $ stratum_sub.collapsed: Factor w/ 49 levels "",..: 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 ...
##  $ active               : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 ...
##  $ inactive             : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...

where there are three potential target variables:

  1. income_hh (numeric);
  2. work (factor with values 0, 1, 2);
  3. unemployed (factor with values 0, 1).
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       0   11463   18516   21661   26763  532331
##    0    1    2 
##  306 1487  451
##    0    1 
## 1938  306

Great attention must be paid to the nature of the target variables, especially of the ‘factor’ type. In fact, the procedure here illustrated is suitable only when categorical variables are binary with values 0 and 1, supposing we are willing to estimate proportions of ‘1’ in the population. If factor variables are of other nature, then an error message is printed.

Build ‘strata’, ‘deff’, ‘effst’ and ‘rho’ dataframes

Using ReGenesees objects as input, produce the following dataframes (function ‘input_to_beat.2st_1’):

  1. the ‘stratif’ dataframe containing:
  • STRATUM: identifier of the single stratum
  • N: total population in terms of final sampling units
  • Mi,Si: mean and standard deviation of target variables (i=1,2,..,P)
  • DOMk: domain(s) to which the stratum belongs
  1. the ‘deff’ (design effect) dataframe, containing the following information:
  • STRATUM: the stratum identifier
  • DEFFi: the design effect for each target variable i (i=1,2,…,P)
  1. the ‘effst’ (estimator effect) dataframe, containing the following information:
  • STRATUM: the stratum identifier
  • EFFSTi: the estimator effect for each target variable i (i=1,2,…,P)
  1. the ‘rho’ (intraclass coefficient of correlation) dataframe, containing the following information:
  • STRATUM: the stratum identifier
  • RHO_ARi: the intraclass coefficient of correlation in self-representative PSUs for each target variable i (i=1,2,…,P)
  • RHO_NARi: the intraclass coefficient of correlation in non self-representative PSUs for each target variable i (i=1,2,…,P)

Actually, the ‘deff’ dataframe is not used in the following steps, it just remains for documentation purposes.

Here is the way we can produce the above items:

samp_frame <- pop
RGdes <- des
RGcal <- cal
strata_var <- c("stratum")      
target_vars <- c("income_hh",
weight_var <- "weight"
deff_var <- "stratum"            
id_PSU <- c("municipality")      
id_SSU <- c("id_hh")             
domain_var <- c("region") 
delta <- 1                   
minimum <- 25                

inp <- prepareInputToAllocation2(
        samp_frame,  # sampling frame
        RGdes,       # ReGenesees design object
        RGcal,       # ReGenesees calibrated object
        id_PSU,      # identification variable of PSUs
        id_SSU,      # identification variable of SSUs
        strata_var,  # strata variables
        target_vars, # target variables
        deff_var,    # deff variables
        domain_var,  # domain variables
        delta,       # Average number of SSUs for each selection unit
        minimum      # Minimum number of SSUs to be selected in each PSU

and these are the results:

##   stratum      N STRATUM       M1        M2        M3         M4       S1        S2        S3        S4 COST CENS DOM1   DOM2
## 1    1000 197451    1000 22266.58 0.6404431 0.2323140 0.12724293 14554.88 0.4798705 0.4223082 0.3332449    1    0    1 center
## 2   10000 106106   10000 27985.40 0.7679285 0.2114187 0.02065276 24367.97 0.4221544 0.4083146 0.1422189    1    0    1  north
## 3   11000 202700   11000 29173.85 0.8029080 0.1730880 0.02400395 39232.92 0.3978024 0.3783234 0.1530613    1    0    1  north
## 4   12000  57420   12000 26937.42 0.7764955 0.2075926 0.01591188 15743.78 0.4165936 0.4055834 0.1251347    1    0    1  north
## 5   13000 103089   13000 26357.25 0.7185271 0.2814729 0.00000000 14592.50 0.4497176 0.4497176 0.0000000    1    0    1  north
## 6   14000  84653   14000 20538.42 0.7518236 0.2131042 0.03507211 14285.81 0.4319547 0.4095007 0.1839621    1    0    1  north
##   stratum STRATUM    DEFF1    DEFF2    DEFF3    DEFF4    b_nar
## 1    1000    1000 0.960198 0.999984 1.015715 0.962537 56.50000
## 2   10000   10000 0.864671 1.703511 1.417543 0.827580 26.75000
## 3   11000   11000 1.820304 1.267734 1.352970 1.345746 23.77778
## 4   12000   12000 1.103866 0.510554 0.491751 0.711980 21.00000
## 5   13000   13000 1.000924 1.000924 1.000924 1.000000 95.00000
## 6   14000   14000 0.639871 0.865378 0.854025 0.684041 33.66667
##   stratum STRATUM    EFFST1 EFFST2 EFFST3    EFFST4
## 1    1000    1000 0.9689481      1      1 0.9420957
## 2   10000   10000 0.9500006      1      1 1.1915489
## 3   11000   11000 0.9544521      1      1 1.0546195
## 4   12000   12000 1.0429454      1      1 0.9732492
## 5   13000   13000 1.0019592      1      1 1.0000000
## 6   14000   14000 0.9829169      1      1 1.0974518
##   STRATUM RHO_AR1        RHO_NAR1 RHO_AR2         RHO_NAR2 RHO_AR3        RHO_NAR3 RHO_AR4     RHO_NAR4
## 1    1000       1 -0.000717153153       1 -0.0000002882883       1  0.000283153153       1 -0.000675009
## 2   10000       1 -0.005255495146       1  0.0273208155340       1  0.016215262136       1 -0.006695922
## 3   11000       1  0.036013346341       1  0.0117541756098       1  0.015496243902       1  0.015179093
## 4   12000       1  0.005193300000       1 -0.0244723000000       1 -0.025412450000       1 -0.014401000
## 5   13000       1  0.000009829787       1  0.0000098297872       1  0.000009829787       1  0.000000000
## 6   14000       1 -0.011024357143       1 -0.0041210816327       1 -0.004468622449       1 -0.009672214
## 1    309    1000   50845
## 2    330    1000  146162
## 3    292    2000   24794
## 4    293    2000   19609
## 5    300    2000   13897
## 6    304    2000   36195
## 1    1000    197007     1      25
## 2    2000    261456     1      25
## 3    3000    115813     1      25
## 4    4000     17241     1      25
## 5    5000    101067     1      25
## 6    6000     47218     1      25

Check the coherence of populations in strata and PSUs

It may happen that the population in strata (variable ‘N’ in ‘inp1$strata’ dataset) and the one derived by the PSU dataset (variable ‘STRAT_MOS’ in ‘inp2$des_file’ dataset) are not the same.

We can check it by applying the function ‘check_input’ in this way:

newstrata <- check_input(strata=inp$strata,
## --------------------------------------------------
##  Differences between population in strata and PSUs  
## --------------------------------------------------
##    STRATUM N_in_strata N_in_PSUs relative_difference
## 1     1000      197451    197007              -0.002
## 12    2000      258193    261456               0.012
## 18    3000      116213    115813              -0.003
## 19    4000       17879     17241              -0.037
## 20    5000      102706    101067              -0.016
## 21    6000       47477     47218              -0.005
## 22    7000       30193     30370               0.006
## 23    8000       26580     26518              -0.002
## 24    9000       94610     92833              -0.019
## 2    10000      106106    106030              -0.001
## 3    11000      202700    205900               0.016
## 4    12000       57420     57657               0.004
## 5    13000      103089    102933              -0.002
## 6    14000       84653     83983              -0.008
## 7    15000      187343    186390              -0.005
## 8    16000      108621    108816               0.002
## 9    17000       59483     61117               0.027
## 10   18000       71642     74255               0.035
## 11   19000      145891    140383              -0.039
## 13   20000       62130     60853              -0.021
## 14   21000       51552     55144               0.065
## 15   22000       41688     41791               0.002
## 16   23000       72809     72165              -0.009
## 17   24000       12081     11567              -0.044
## --------------------------------------------------
## Population of PSUs has been attributed to strata

Together with the print of the differences between the two populations, the function produces a new version of the strata dataset, where the population has been changed to the one derived by the PSUs dataset.

It is preferable to use this new version:

inp$strata <- newstrata

Optimal allocation of units in each stratum

Using the function ‘beat.2st’ in ‘R2BEAT’ package execute the optimization of PSU and SSU allocation in strata:

cv <-"DOM1","DOM2"),
##    DOM  CV1  CV2  CV3  CV4
## 1 DOM1 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.05
## 2 DOM2 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.08
minPSUstrat <- 2
inp$des_file$MINIMUM <- 25
alloc <- beat.2st(stratif = inp$strata, 
                  errors = cv, 
                  des_file = inp$des_file, 
                  psu_file = inp$psu_file, 
                  rho = inp$rho, 
                  deft_start = NULL, 
                  effst = inp$effst, 
                  minnumstrat = 2, 
##    iterations PSU_SR PSU NSR PSU Total    SSU
## 1           0      0       0         0   7721
## 2           1    111      72       183 109498
## 3           2    155     114       269   7925
## 4           3    116     132       248   8660
## 5           4    146     122       268   8343
## 6           5    128     130       258   8580
## 7           6    143     124       267   8391
## 8           7    131     128       259   8550
## 9           8    143     124       267   8392
## 10          9    131     128       259   8550
## 11         10    143     124       267   8392
## 12         11    131     128       259   8550
## 13         12    143     124       267   8392
## 14         13    131     128       259   8550
## 15         14    143     124       267   8392
## 16         15    131     128       259   8550
## 17         16    143     124       267   8392
## 18         17    131     128       259   8550
## 19         18    143     124       267   8392
## 20         19    131     128       259   8550
## 21         20    143     124       267   8392

This is the sensitivity of the solution:

##    Type Dom V1 V2  V3   V4
## 2  DOM1   1  1  0   1    1
## 6  DOM2   1  1  0   8 1150
## 10 DOM2   2  1  1 245    1
## 14 DOM2   3  1  1 275    1

i.e., for each domain value and for each variable it is reported the gain in terms of reduction in the sample size if the corresponding precision constraint is reduced of 10%.

These are the expected values of the coefficients of variation:

##    Type Dom      V1      V2      V3      V4
## 2  DOM1   1 0.01096 0.00746 0.02003 0.02571
## 6  DOM2   1 0.01378 0.00689 0.02436 0.08561
## 10 DOM2   2 0.02150 0.02086 0.05034 0.06692
## 14 DOM2   3 0.03002 0.02466 0.05131 0.03461

Selection of PSUs

Using the function ‘select_PSU’ execute the selection of PSU in strata:

sample_1st <- select_PSU(alloc, type="ALLOC", pps=TRUE, plot=TRUE)

This is the overall sample design:

## 1     1000   2      2       0  294    294       0
## 2     2000  13     13       0  405    405       0
## 3     3000  10      0      10  250      0     250
## 4     4000   2      0       2   50      0      50
## 5     5000   2      2       0  185    185       0
## 6     6000   3      3       0   82     82       0
## 7     7000   2      0       2   50      0      50
## 8     8000   2      0       2   50      0      50
## 9     9000   1      1       0  810    810       0
## 10   10000   6      6       0  644    644       0
## 11   11000  53     41      12 1432   1132     300
## 12   12000  10      0      10  250      0     250
## 13   13000   1      1       0   30     30       0
## 14   14000   4      4       0  607    607       0
## 15   15000  38     22      16 1021    621     400
## 16   16000  69     31      38 1725    775     950
## 17   17000   1      1       0  151    151       0
## 18   18000   6      6       0  199    199       0
## 19   19000  22      6      16  550    150     400
## 20   20000   8      0       8  200      0     200
## 21   21000   1      1       0  142    142       0
## 22   22000   3      3       0  109    109       0
## 23   23000   6      0       6  150      0     150
## 24   24000   2      0       2   50      0      50
## 25   Total 267    143     124 9436   6336    3100

Selection of SSUs

Finally, we are able to select the Secondary Sample Units (the individuals) from the already selected PSUs (the municipalities). We proceed to select the sample in this way:

samp <- select_SSU(df=pop,
## --------------------------------
## Total PSUs =  267
## Total SSUs =  9436
## --------------------------------

To check that the total amount of selected units with respect to the initial allocation:

## [1] 9436
## [1] 8392

The difference is due to the fact that the constraint on the minimum number of SSUs to be selected for PSU has been enforced, thus resulting in an increase of the SSUs with respect to the optimal allocation.

We check also that the sum of weights equalizes the population size:

## [1] 2258507
## [1] 2258507

This is the distribution of weights:

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
title("Weights distribution (total sample)",cex.main=0.7)
boxplot(weight ~ region, data=samp,col="orange")
title("Weights distribution by region",cex.main=0.7)

boxplot(weight ~ province, data=samp,col="orange")
title("Weights distribution by province",cex.main=0.7)
boxplot(weight ~ stratum, data=samp,col="orange")
title("Weights distribution by stratum",cex.main=0.7)

It can be seen that the sample is fully self-weighted inside strata, and approximately self-weighted in aggregations of strata, that is the result we wanted to obtain.