
  1. In a multivariate stratified sampling design procedure, very often the values of the precision constraints (expressed in terms of maximum expected coefficients of variation set on the target estimates) are set without considering the peculiarities of the distributions of the target variables. As a result, few variables (or even only one) may be responsible for the optimization of the allocation, leaving the others completely ineffective. This is because some precision constraints are very tight and the other ones too loose. This is the reason why the R2BEAT package has been provided with an additional function (‘CVs_hint’) aiming at modifying the initial set of precision constraints to let each target variable influence the optimization process. This is done by considering the variability of the target variables in the different strata: initial precision constraints are adjusted so to relax those pertaining to the variables characterized by a higher variability, and to tighten those related to the variables with less variability.

  2. Another issue is related to the characteristics of the allocation of sampling units in the strata: it may happen that it can be very different from the proportional one. In some cases it may be desirable to limit the distance between the two allocations, avoiding the cases of too much oversampling in small strata. It is possible to obtain this, also in this case by changing the precision constraints. To get this result, it is possible to make use of a genetic algorithm, that explores the space of the possible combinations of values of the precision constraints, with the aim of maximizing the coefficient of correlation of the two distributions (optimal and proportional allocations).

1. Setting

In this study, we show how it is possible to start from a “neutral” set of precision constraints (equal CVs for all variables for a given domain level), and modify them, so to:

  • first, balance the influence of all the variables on the determination of the best allocation, or at least, to avoid that only a small fraction plays a role;

  • secondly, get the optimal allocation closer to the proportional one.

We consider a strata dataframe containing information on labor force in a country. Each stratum belongs to three different domain levels:

# strata$DOM3 <- NULL  # de-comment if you want to execute on 2 domains
## 'data.frame':    24 obs. of  18 variables:
##  $ STRATUM      : chr  "north_1_3" "north_1_4" "north_1_5" "north_1_6" ...
##  $ stratum_label: chr  "north_1_3" "north_1_4" "north_1_5" "north_1_6" ...
##  $ DOM1         : chr  "National" "National" "National" "National" ...
##  $ DOM2         : Factor w/ 3 levels "north","center",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
##  $ N            : num  92780 105327 200757 53612 102907 ...
##  $ M1           : num  0.748 0.776 0.782 0.776 0.757 ...
##  $ M2           : num  0.227 0.203 0.199 0.203 0.21 ...
##  $ M3           : num  0.0252 0.0214 0.0192 0.0211 0.0329 ...
##  $ M4           : num  29464 29364 27095 25726 27749 ...
##  $ S1           : num  0.434 0.417 0.413 0.417 0.429 ...
##  $ S2           : num  0.419 0.402 0.399 0.402 0.407 ...
##  $ S3           : num  0.157 0.145 0.137 0.144 0.178 ...
##  $ S4           : num  29839 27542 23575 19557 24520 ...
##  $ CENS         : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ COST         : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ alloc        : num  360 377 682 191 455 373 759 440 181 233 ...
##  $ SOLUZ        : num  352 368 667 187 444 365 742 431 177 227 ...
##  $ DOM3         : chr  "north_1_3" "north_1_4" "north_1_5" "north_1_6" ...

We consider as target variables:

target_vars <- c("active","inactive","unemployed","income_hh")
## [1] "active"     "inactive"   "unemployed" "income_hh"

We initially set the following precision constraints:

# De-comment if you want to execute on 2 domains
# cv_equal <- = c("DOM1","DOM2"),
#                          CV1 = c(0.05,0.10),
#                          CV2 = c(0.05,0.10),
#                          CV3 = c(0.05,0.10),
#                          CV4 = c(0.05,0.10)))
# De-comment if you want to execute on 3 domains
cv_equal <- = c("DOM1","DOM2","DOM3"),
                         CV1 = c(0.05,0.10,0.15),
                         CV2 = c(0.05,0.10,0.15),
                         CV3 = c(0.05,0.10,0.15),
                         CV4 = c(0.05,0.10,0.15)))
##    DOM  CV1  CV2  CV3  CV4
## 1 DOM1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
## 2 DOM2 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
## 3 DOM3 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

and proceed with an initial allocation:

equal <- beat.1st(strata,cv_equal)

with the following total sample size and sensitivity:

## [1] 16973
equal$sensitivity[equal$sensitivity$`Sensitivity 10%` > 1,]
##     Type Dom Var Planned CV Actual CV Sensitivity 10%
## 20  DOM3   1  V3       0.15    0.1499              75
## 24  DOM3   2  V3       0.15    0.1500              81
## 28  DOM3   3  V3       0.15    0.1500              77
## 32  DOM3   4  V3       0.15    0.1500              63
## 36  DOM3   5  V3       0.15    0.1500              50
## 40  DOM3   6  V3       0.15    0.1498              50
## 44  DOM3   7  V3       0.15    0.1499              52
## 48  DOM3   8  V3       0.15    0.1498              41
## 52  DOM3   9  V3       0.15    0.1500             338
## 56  DOM3  10  V3       0.15    0.1500             400
## 60  DOM3  11  V3       0.15    0.1500             449
## 64  DOM3  12  V3       0.15    0.1500             398
## 68  DOM3  13  V3       0.15    0.1500             259
## 72  DOM3  14  V3       0.15    0.1499             255
## 76  DOM3  15  V3       0.15    0.1500             296
## 80  DOM3  16  V3       0.15    0.1500             259
## 83  DOM3  17  V2       0.15    0.1498              36
## 87  DOM3  18  V2       0.15    0.1496              34
## 91  DOM3  19  V2       0.15    0.1497              33
## 95  DOM3  20  V2       0.15    0.1498              28
## 99  DOM3  21  V2       0.15    0.1496              35
## 103 DOM3  22  V2       0.15    0.1497              37
## 107 DOM3  23  V2       0.15    0.1498              33
## 111 DOM3  24  V2       0.15    0.1494              25

We see that the 3rd variable ‘unemployed’ is the one that determines almost always the optimal allocation, while the 2nd one (‘inactive’) has a lower influence.

2. Modification of initial precision constraints

We now try to change the initial precision constraints to balance the effect of the target variables.

To this aim, we make use of the function ‘CVs_hint’. This function modifies the initial values of CVs by considering the variability of the target variables in the different strata, for each domain level:

cv_mod <- CVs_hint(strata,cv_equal)
##    DOM        CV1       CV2       CV3        CV4
## 1 DOM1 0.03604821 0.0947973 0.1326679 0.04540080
## 2 DOM2 0.07808286 0.1897451 0.3435119 0.08979977
## 3 DOM3 0.12188868 0.2824164 0.5094129 0.12909995

Actually, these new CVs are in some cases much higher than the initial ones. But we can see that the new corresponding sample size is much lower than the initial one:

intermediate1 <- beat.1st(strata,cv_mod)
## [1] 2308

To correctly compare the new values of the CVs to the initial ones, we have to re-calculate them in correspondence to the same required sample size. To do this, we make use of the function ‘adjustCVs’:

target_size <- sum(equal$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(equal$alloc)])
cv_mod2 <- adjust_CVs(target_size= target_size,
                   adj_rate = 0.05)
##  Size:  2552
##  Size:  2830
##  Size:  3129
##  Size:  3466
##  Size:  3839
##  Size:  4249
##  Size:  4707
##  Size:  5212
##  Size:  5769
##  Size:  6386
##  Size:  7071
##  Size:  7828
##  Size:  8665
##  Size:  9592
##  Size:  10617
##  Size:  11744
##  Size:  13001
##  Size:  14381
##  Size:  15907
##  Size:  17597
##  Size:  17597
##    DOM        CV1        CV2        CV3        CV4
## 1 DOM1 0.01292278 0.03398350 0.04755956 0.01627555
## 2 DOM2 0.02799160 0.06802096 0.12314418 0.03219195
## 3 DOM3 0.04369537 0.10124231 0.18261737 0.04628051

We see now that only in only in a few cases the CVs are slightly higher than in the initial set.

The new sensitivity:

intermediate2 <- beat.1st(strata,cv_mod2)
intermediate2$sensitivity[intermediate2$sensitivity$`Sensitivity 10%` >1,]
##     Type Dom Var Planned CV Actual CV Sensitivity 10%
## 21  DOM3   1  V4 0.04628051    0.0462              80
## 25  DOM3   2  V4 0.04628051    0.0462              82
## 27  DOM3   3  V2 0.10124231    0.1012              65
## 30  DOM3   4  V1 0.04369537    0.0437              61
## 34  DOM3   5  V1 0.04369537    0.0436              66
## 38  DOM3   6  V1 0.04369537    0.0437              66
## 42  DOM3   7  V1 0.04369537    0.0436              16
## 43  DOM3   7  V2 0.10124231    0.1012              48
## 46  DOM3   8  V1 0.04369537    0.0436              76
## 52  DOM3   9  V3 0.18261737    0.1825             230
## 56  DOM3  10  V3 0.18261737    0.1826             272
## 60  DOM3  11  V3 0.18261737    0.1826             304
## 64  DOM3  12  V3 0.18261737    0.1826             272
## 68  DOM3  13  V3 0.18261737    0.1825             175
## 72  DOM3  14  V3 0.18261737    0.1826             173
## 76  DOM3  15  V3 0.18261737    0.1826             201
## 80  DOM3  16  V3 0.18261737    0.1826             176
## 85  DOM3  17  V4 0.04628051    0.0462              79
## 86  DOM3  18  V1 0.04369537    0.0437              91
## 90  DOM3  19  V1 0.04369537    0.0437             120
## 94  DOM3  20  V1 0.04369537    0.0437             143
## 98  DOM3  21  V1 0.04369537    0.0437              89
## 105 DOM3  22  V4 0.04628051    0.0463             272
## 106 DOM3  23  V1 0.04369537    0.0437             165
## 110 DOM3  24  V1 0.04369537    0.0437             206

We see that now all the variables play a role in the determination of the best allocation.

3. Get the optimal allocation closer to the proportional one

Consider the last obtained solution:

##               STRATUM ALLOC        PROP      EQUAL
## north_1_3   north_1_3  1146   736.19049   733.2083
## north_1_4   north_1_4  1357   835.74840   733.2083
## north_1_5   north_1_5  1520  1592.96610   733.2083
## north_1_6   north_1_6  1359   425.40035   733.2083
## north_2_3   north_2_3   875   816.54619   733.2083
## north_2_4   north_2_4   862   665.73743   733.2083
## north_2_5   north_2_5  1001  1450.38573   733.2083
## north_2_6   north_2_6   876   791.74201   733.2083
## center_1_3 center_1_3   400  1561.49670   733.2083
## center_1_4 center_1_4   410  2066.31644   733.2083
## center_1_5 center_1_5   323   899.59178   733.2083
## center_1_6 center_1_6   304   124.21132   733.2083
## center_2_3 center_2_3   330   801.70018   733.2083
## center_2_4 center_2_4   328   373.22113   733.2083
## center_2_5 center_2_5   317   235.43337   733.2083
## center_2_6 center_2_6   377   198.25091   733.2083
## south_1_3   south_1_3   395   484.95101   733.2083
## south_1_4   south_1_4   452   585.63565   733.2083
## south_1_5   south_1_5   599  1090.20941   733.2083
## south_1_6   south_1_6   711   452.78334   733.2083
## south_2_3   south_2_3   444   435.82668   733.2083
## south_2_4   south_2_4  1357   328.19909   733.2083
## south_2_5   south_2_5   825   561.87093   733.2083
## south_2_6   south_2_6  1029    82.58537   733.2083
##                 Total 17597 17597.00000 17597.0000

We can calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between the optimal and proportional allocations:

## [1] 0.09962086

We want to get the optimal allocation closer to the proportional one. For instance, we want that the correlation coefficient be increased to 0.5.

To obtain this result, we make use of a particular genetic algorithm, the quantum genetic algorithm, implemented in the R package QGA.

3.1 Fitness function

First, we define the following fitness function:

fitness_cvs <- function(solution,eval_func_inputs) {
  strata <- eval_func_inputs[[1]]
  vett <- eval_func_inputs[[2]]
  cv <- eval_func_inputs[[3]]
  vettmin <- eval_func_inputs[[4]]
  vettmax <- eval_func_inputs[[5]]
  nvals <- eval_func_inputs[[6]]
  nvars <- ncol(cv) - 1
  cv_corr <- cv
  n <- 0
  for (k in c(1:nrow(cv))) {
    for (m in c(1:nvars)) {
      n <- n+1
      cv_corr[k,m+1] <- seq(from=vettmin[n],
  a <- beat.1st(strata,cv_corr)
  b <- ks.test(a$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(a$alloc)],a$alloc$PROP[-nrow(a$alloc)])
  c <- cor(a$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(a$alloc)],a$alloc$PROP[-nrow(a$alloc)])
  #---------- Fitness function ----------------
  fitness <- c

3.2 Setting the parameters

We set the parameters required by the QGA function:

nvars <- ncol(cv_mod2) - 1
vett <- NULL
for (k in c(1:nrow(cv_mod2))) {
  vett <- c(vett,cv_mod2[k,c(2:(nvars+1))])
vett <- unlist(vett)
vettmin <- vett * 0.6
vettmax <- vett * 1.4
Genome = length(vett)
nvalues_sol = 4096    # 2^12 ==> 12 qubits
eval_func_inputs = list(strata,
popsize = 20
generation_max = 200
nvalues_sol = nvalues_sol
thetainit = 3.1415926535 * 0.5
thetaend = 3.1415926535 * 0.025
pop_mutation_rate_init = 1/(popsize + 1)
pop_mutation_rate_end = 1/(popsize + 1)
mutation_rate_init = 1/(Genome + 1)
mutation_rate_end = 1/(Genome + 1)
mutation_flag = TRUE
plotting = TRUE
verbose = FALSE
progress = FALSE
eval_fitness = fitness_cvs
eval_func_inputs = eval_func_inputs
stop_limit = 0.5

Some explanations regarding the parameters. The parameters ‘vettmin’ and ‘vettmax’ are fundamental to determine the space of possible solutions.

In fact, consider their values:

##         CV1         CV2         CV3         CV4         CV1         CV2 
## 0.007753667 0.020390099 0.028535739 0.009765329 0.016794963 0.040812574 
##         CV3         CV4         CV1         CV2         CV3         CV4 
## 0.073886510 0.019315172 0.026217225 0.060745389 0.109570421 0.027768309
##        CV1        CV2        CV3        CV4        CV1        CV2        CV3 
## 0.01809189 0.04757690 0.06658339 0.02278577 0.03918825 0.09522934 0.17240186 
##        CV4        CV1        CV2        CV3        CV4 
## 0.04506873 0.06117352 0.14173924 0.25566432 0.06479272

The values in vettmin are the minimum values that the CVs can assume, while the values in vettmax are the maximum ones. This means that, for instance, when trying to define the best value for CV1 in the first domain, the genetic algorithm will search in the range from 0.007916888 to 0.01847274. The same for the other CVs and the other domains.

The parameter ‘nvalues_sol’ indicates the number of possible different values considered for each element in the genome: by setting it to 4096, it means that for each precision constraint, 4096 possible values will be considered, the ones obtained by dividing by 4096 the interval between the minimum and the maximum value set for each precision constraint.

The parameter ‘eval_func_inputs’ is a list containing all the information required by the fitness function.

Parameters ‘thetainit’ and ‘thetaend’ are the initial and final values expressed in degrees for the rotation gate used in the quantum genetic algorithm. The rotation is high at the beginning of the iterations (to explore mores solutions), lower at the end (to refine the best solution found).

The same for parameters from ‘pop_mutation_rate_init’ to ‘pop_mutation_rate_end’, that govern the rate of mutation in the solutions.

Very important is the ‘stop_limit’ parameter: the iterations are stopped when this limit is reached. In our case it is set to 0.5: this means that when the correlation coefficient reaches this limit, the algorithm stops and output the related solution.

3.3 Execution of the genetic algorithm

solutionQGA <- QGA(popsize,
                   mutation_flag = TRUE,
                   plotting = FALSE,
                   verbose = FALSE,
                   progress = FALSE,
##  *** Best fitness:  0.5099748


So, we have obtained a solution whose correlation coefficient is 0.5, the desired one.

4. Analysis of the final solution

First, we consider the new set of precision constraints related to the solution proposed by the genetic algorithm:

solution <- solutionQGA[[1]]
cv_best <- cv_mod2
n <- 0
nvals <- nvalues_sol
for (k in c(1:nrow(cv_mod2))) {
  for (m in c(1:nvars)) {
    n <- n+1
    cv_best[k,m+1] <- seq(from=vettmin[n],
##    DOM         CV1        CV2        CV3        CV4
## 1 DOM1 0.007766286 0.04269841 0.02931601 0.02277941
## 2 DOM2 0.033376709 0.05598444 0.10041542 0.02157238
## 3 DOM3 0.060516387 0.13693418 0.25327460 0.06462098

They are, in some cases, higher than the initial ones.

But consider that, now, the required sample size is lower with these new constraints:

intermediate3 <- beat.1st(strata,cv_best)
## [1] 10398

Also in this case, to compare the new precision constraints with the initial ones we perform an adjustment, varying the new set until we reach the previous sample size:

target_size <- sum(intermediate2$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(intermediate2$alloc)]) 
cv_final <- adjust_CVs(target_size = target_size,
                   adj_rate = 0.05)
##  Size:  11507
##  Size:  12738
##  Size:  14096
##  Size:  15597
##  Size:  17256
##  Size:  19091
##  Size:  19091
##    DOM         CV1        CV2        CV3        CV4
## 1 DOM1 0.005708934 0.03138725 0.02154996 0.01674496
## 2 DOM2 0.024534948 0.04115370 0.07381456 0.01585768
## 3 DOM3 0.044485106 0.10065921 0.18618010 0.04750236

It can be seen that now, only in the third domain level the value of CV3 overcomes the previous limits, while in all the other cases they are well below.

We can visualize the overall situation:

     xaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="CV values",ylim=c(0,max(cv_final[1,c(2:5)],cv_mod2[1,c(2:5)])*1.2))
axis(1, at=c(1:4), lab=c("CV1", "CV2", "CV3", "CV4"),las=2)
title("Domain level DOM1")
legend("bottomleft", c("Initial CVs","Intermediate CVs","Final CVs"), 
       fill = c("darkgreen","blue","red"), cex=0.8)

     xaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="CV values",ylim=c(0,max(cv_final[2,c(2:5)],cv_mod2[2,c(2:5)])*1.2))
axis(1, at=c(1:4), lab=c("CV1", "CV2", "CV3", "CV4"),las=2)
title("Domain level DOM2")
legend("bottomleft", c("Initial CVs","Intermediate CVs","Final CVs"), 
       fill = c("darkgreen","blue","red"), cex=0.8)

# De-comment with 3 domains
     xaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="CV values",ylim=c(0,max(cv_final[3,c(2:5)],cv_mod2[3,c(2:5)])*1.2))
axis(1, at=c(1:4), lab=c("CV1", "CV2", "CV3", "CV4"),las=2)
title("Domain level DOM3")
legend("bottomleft", c("Initial CVs","Intermediate CVs","Final CVs"), 
       fill = c("darkgreen","blue","red"), cex=0.8)

Finally, we analyze the obtained final allocation in the strata.

final <- beat.1st(strata,cv_final)
## [1] 19091
## [1] 16973
a1 <- equal$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(equal$alloc)]
a2 <- equal$alloc$PROP[-nrow(equal$alloc)]
b1 <- final$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(final$alloc)]
b2 <- final$alloc$PROP[-nrow(final$alloc)]
top <- max(a1,a2,b1,b2)

legend("topright", c("Proportional","Optimal"), fill = c("red", "blue"), cex=0.8)

legend("topright", c("Proportional","Optimal"), fill = c("red", "blue"), cex=0.8)

We may not be satisfied by the situation in the 22nd and 24th sub-domains where the new solution yields a greater distance of the optimal allocations from the proportional ones.

We inspect the sensitivity:

final$sensitivity[final$sensitivity$Dom %in% c(22,24),]
##     Type Dom Var Planned CV Actual CV Sensitivity 10%
## 102 DOM3  22  V1 0.04448511    0.0340               1
## 103 DOM3  22  V2 0.10065921    0.0553               1
## 104 DOM3  22  V3 0.18618010    0.0329               0
## 105 DOM3  22  V4 0.04750236    0.0475             251
## 110 DOM3  24  V1 0.04448511    0.0445             199
## 111 DOM3  24  V2 0.10065921    0.0504               1
## 112 DOM3  24  V3 0.18618010    0.0352               0
## 113 DOM3  24  V4 0.04750236    0.0227               1

and find that the reason for the oversampling in these two domains is due to the 1st and 4th target variables. We can change their CVs in the 3rd domain level:

cv_final[3,2] <- 0.10
cv_final[3,5] <- 0.10

and verify the new situation:

final2 <- beat.1st(strata,cv_final)
## [1] 17091
b1 <- final2$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(final2$alloc)]
b2 <- final2$alloc$PROP[-nrow(final2$alloc)]
legend("topright", c("Proportional","Optimal"), fill = c("red", "blue"), cex=0.8)

Much better.

Again, we re-determine the CVs in order to reach the initial sample size:

target_size <- sum(final$alloc$ALLOC[-nrow(final$alloc)])
cv_final2 <- adjust_CVs(target_size= target_size,
##  Size:  18916
##  Size:  20933
##  Size:  20933
##    DOM         CV1        CV2        CV3        CV4
## 1 DOM1 0.005152313 0.02832700 0.01944884 0.01511233
## 2 DOM2 0.022142790 0.03714122 0.06661764 0.01431156
## 3 DOM3 0.090250000 0.09084494 0.16802754 0.09025000
     xaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="CV values",ylim=c(0,max(cv_final2[3,c(2:5)],cv_mod2[3,c(2:5)])*1.2))
axis(1, at=c(1:4), lab=c("CV1", "CV2", "CV3", "CV4"),las=2)
title("Domain level DOM3")
legend("topleft", c("Initial CVs","Intermediate CVs","Final CVs"), 
       fill = c("darkgreen","blue","red"), cex=0.8)

Finally, we analyze the changes in the expected CVs:

a <- beat.1cv(strata,cv_equal,equal$alloc$ALLOC)
b <- beat.1cv(strata,cv_mod2,intermediate2$alloc$ALLOC)
c <- beat.1cv(strata,cv_final2,final$alloc$ALLOC)
row.names(a) <- NULL
tot <- cbind(a[,c(1,2,4)],b[,4],c[,4])
colnames(tot)[3:5] <- c("Initial(1)","Intermediate(2)","Final(3)")
tot$Diff1 <- tot$`Intermediate(2)`- tot$`Initial(1)`
tot$Diff2 <- tot$`Final(3)`- tot$`Intermediate(2)`
colnames(tot)[6:7] <- c("Diff.(2-1)","Diff.(3-2)")
# knitr::kable(tot)

The average change due to the first step (balancing the influence of all variables in the determination of the best allocation):

mean(tot$`Diff.(2-1)`) / mean(tot$Initial)
## [1] -0.3774151

and the average change due to the second step (bringing the opimal allocation closer to the proportional):

mean(tot$`Diff.(3-2)`) / mean(tot$Initial)
## [1] 0.07574547

We can calculate the same indicators by weighting with the populations in the domains:

# tot$DOMAIN <-  sub("/.*", "", tot$`DOMAIN/VAR`) 
dom1 <- aggregate(strata$N,by=list(strata$DOM1),FUN=sum)
dom2 <- aggregate(strata$N,by=list(strata$DOM2),FUN=sum)
dom3 <- aggregate(strata$N,by=list(strata$DOM3),FUN=sum)
tot1 <- merge(tot,dom1,by.x="DOMAIN",by.y="Group.1")
tot2 <- merge(tot,dom2,by.x="DOMAIN",by.y="Group.1")
tot3 <- merge(tot,dom3,by.x="DOMAIN",by.y="Group.1")
tottot <- rbind(tot1,tot2,tot3)

AvgInitial <- sum(tottot$`Initial(1)` * tottot$x) / sum(tottot$x)
AvgDiff2_1 <- sum(tottot$`Diff.(2-1)` * tottot$x) / sum(tottot$x)
AvgDiff2_1 / AvgInitial
## [1] -0.3867286
AvgDiff3_2 <- sum(tottot$`Diff.(3-2)` * tottot$x) / sum(tottot$x)
AvgDiff3_2 / AvgInitial
## [1] -0.07358291

We can conclude that the first step has a strong impact on the values of the expected CVs, while the second step is negligible from this point of view.