Main function to execute a Quantum Genetic Algorithm
popsize = 20,
generation_max = 200,
thetainit = 3.1415926535 * 0.05,
thetaend = 3.1415926535 * 0.025,
pop_mutation_rate_init = NULL,
pop_mutation_rate_end = NULL,
mutation_rate_init = NULL,
mutation_rate_end = NULL,
mutation_flag = TRUE,
plotting = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
progress = TRUE,
stop_limit = NULL,
stop_iters = NULL
the number of generated solutions (population) to be evaluated at each iteration (default is 20)
the number of iterations to be performed (default is 200)
the number of possible integer values contained in each element (gene) of the solution
the length of the genome (or chromosome), representing a possible solution
the angle (expressed in radiants) to be used when applying the rotation gate when starting the iterations (default is pi * 0.05, where pi = 3.1415926535)
the angle (expressed in radiants) to be used when applying the rotation gate at the end of the iterations (default is pi * 0.025, where pi = 3.1415926535)
initial mutation rate to be used when applying the X-Pauli gate, applied to each individual in the population (default is 1/(popsize+1))
final mutation rate to be used when applying the X-Pauli gate, applied to each individual in the population (default is 1/(popsize+1))
initial mutation rate to be used when applying the X-Pauli gate, applied to each element of the chromosome (default is 1/(Genome+1)))
final mutation rate to be used when applying the X-Pauli gate, applied to each element of the chromosome (default is 1/(Genome+1))
flag indicating if the mutation gate is to be applied or not (default is TRUE)
flag indicating plotting during iterations
flag indicating printing fitness during iterations
flag indicating progress bar during iterations
name of the function that will be used to evaluate the fitness of each solution
specific inputs required by the eval_fitness function
value to stop the iterations if the fitness is higher than a given value
number of iterations without improvement of fitness before stopping
A numeric vector (positive integers) giving the best solution obtained by the QGA
This function is the 'engine', which performs the quantum genetic algorithm calling the function for the evaluation of the fitness that is specific for the particulare problem to be optmized.
# Fitness evaluation for Knapsack Problem
KnapsackProblem <- function(solution,
eval_func_inputs) {
solution <- solution - 1
items <- eval_func_inputs[[1]]
maxweight <- eval_func_inputs[[2]]
tot_items <- sum(solution)
# Penalization
if (sum(items$weight[solution]) > maxweight) {
tot_items <- tot_items - (sum(items$weight[solution]) - maxweight)
# Prepare data for fitness evaluation
items <- = paste0("item",c(1:300)),
weight = rep(NA,300)))
items$weight <- rnorm(300,mean=50,sd=20)
#> [1] 15078.17
maxweight = sum(items$weight) / 2
#> [1] 7539.085
# Perform optimization
popsize = 20
Genome = nrow(items)
solutionQGA <- QGA(popsize = 20,
generation_max = 500,
nvalues_sol = 2,
Genome = nrow(items),
thetainit = 3.1415926535 * 0.05,
thetaend = 3.1415926535 * 0.025,
pop_mutation_rate_init = 1/(popsize + 1),
pop_mutation_rate_end = 1/(popsize + 1),
mutation_rate_init = 1,
mutation_rate_end = 1,
mutation_flag = TRUE,
plotting = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
progress = FALSE,
eval_fitness = KnapsackProblem,
eval_func_inputs = list(items,
stop_iters = NULL)
#> *** Best fitness: 291
# Analyze results
solution <- solutionQGA[[1]]
solution <- solution - 1
#> [1] 291
#> [1] 7524.877
#> [1] 7539.085